Trance remixing : making what one can instead of what one wants

Making trance remixes (at least in the classic way, by using regular official LP from bands, and not multi-track recordings) brings me a new point to my philosophy of music.

For a long time,

I always wanted to make remixes with the multi track recording (with each separate instrument, and if possible, without any treatment), because I wanted to reconstruct completely the song. BUT I did not really have any inspiration or idea about how what special song should be remixed. In other words, I wanted to have the choice ... but for making nothing.


That I made many trance remixes, I changed my mind. I make remix with the song in it pusblished stereo format. So now, I make what I can with the song and not completely what I want. But, strangely, I think that I made better things like this, almost by accident.


I downloaded unofficial multi-track (MOGG for example) files of famous songs like FGTH Relax, NEW ORDER Blue Monday, TEARS FOR FEARS Shout and even official multitrack (Peter GABRIEL Shock the monkey), but I didn't start any remix.
Actually, there are so manu possibilities, and need preprocessing work that I did start nothing.
