DOOM Planisphere2 trippy map


I had great time playing the Planisphere2 WAD for DOOM2. (Note that a first version just called Planisphere exist, in the same spirit).

It is as a very vast WAD representing New York, and it's so trippy to walk in this big town, take the bridge.
And contrary to many WADs, it's possible to play the game without the need of kill every monster. One can walk in many directions, exploring the map as wanted. The gameplay is very free and does not follow a unique path.
While not being very beautiful at low level (each building is ok but not much details), at high level, it's incredible!

I love when maps are not "one-only-way to the end", but multiple possible paths; and I like to explore the map, enjoying the trip; not only shoot enemies.

Personal screenshots:

Moreover, in first DOOM episode 1 (shareware), there was a meta-map before each map, showing an overview of all and where the player was going to play; it was nice to give an overview, like a promise (and like in Quake 1 where the play can choose between each episode by walking into the entryways and having a fore-taste of the episode ambiance) but there was no choice, instead of Intellivision's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons where the player could choose what he wants to explore.

In Planisphere WAD, the overview is ... actually made at the first person view, or when the player climbs into high buildings of the town, just magic!

I used GZDOOM port.
