While working on second iteration of A Momentary Lapse Of Reason trance remixes, I kept appealed at experimenting with Giacinto SCELSI orchestral works since I have a triple CD box of him.
I already experimented ... but it was with a DJ turntable app on iPhone and it wasn't good at all, I am not a DJ, I don't have any DJ skill. And mixing parts of orchestral works at a glance, by improvization is not serious, unless you know well the songs and you're named DJ Shadow.
So I come back to this, exciting after having seen André BRATTEN norvegian DJ/producer interview in which he says he uses SCELSI works! Hey, he stole my idea (smile).
But now, I work it like all my trance remixes: first, select and extract the appropriate passages and keep samples under 5s because Korg Gadget can't manage more (except with tape instrument, but it's not easy to handle).
I already experimented ... but it was with a DJ turntable app on iPhone and it wasn't good at all, I am not a DJ, I don't have any DJ skill. And mixing parts of orchestral works at a glance, by improvization is not serious, unless you know well the songs and you're named DJ Shadow.
So I come back to this, exciting after having seen André BRATTEN norvegian DJ/producer interview in which he says he uses SCELSI works! Hey, he stole my idea (smile).
But now, I work it like all my trance remixes: first, select and extract the appropriate passages and keep samples under 5s because Korg Gadget can't manage more (except with tape instrument, but it's not easy to handle).
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