BURROUGHS Cut-up and trance remixes

Two days ago, I had the idea of removing all the samples in my Atom Heart Mother suite single track trance remix and replace them by plain synth playing notes.
This is not for copyright issue (though it is an advantage, too) but for fun.
This takes time, but by the way, I thought that making this, at the end, the original song will be barely recognizable since the samples will be removed, and the equivalent synth parts won't be strictly (even far from it) identical. So, will it be called a remix ? It's almost a new composition.
Moreover, it's almost the same for the trance remix with samples, the original song is not very recognizable, and it's been so deconstructed that there maybe question about wether it is original artwork or reused artwork.
Actually, what I did to the song was a kind of Gysin/Burroughs cut-up, though it is said Burroughs cut texts randomly and I did not cut the song randomly, but is it really important ?
By the end, one can enjoy the song as a new song. It applies well to my remix of Pink Floyd - Yet Another Movie.
Not to mention that the Cronenberg's adaptation of Naked Lunch is one of my fave movies ever.

Making new with old, recycling, over and over, no waste !

The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin

Le cut-up de William Burroughs : d’un usage politique du roman
