Dubset: what's next ?

After submitting many remixes of Pink Floyd (AMLOR and WYWH albums) to Dubset and seen some blocked because the right holders do not allow the use of a fragment of the songs, I tested Dubset service by submitting a song from another artist (Ruyichi SAKAMOTO and his famous wonderful Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence) with obvisous song sample to make the Dubset algorithm match with the original song, and wait to see if the remix could be "cleared"...
Here is the result:

So I have remixes that are:
  • in suspending state because they apparently (there is no reason given) did not match with original song samples
  • in suspending state because they match with original song samples but the right holder is in relation with Dubset yet
  • blocked because they DO match with original song samples but the right holders don't allow it

So whant should I do ?
  • Make the samples of blocked remixes not recognizable for algorithm ? (and hoping that future version of algorithm won't match too),
  • Transform the samples of blocked remixes into pure plain synth sounds, and since my remixes are complete rearrangements, this would be actually not considered a cover of the original song
  • Make remixes of artists whose right holders allow remixes
