Crazy diamond in the wind (Pt.2)

Still working on the part 2 of Shine On You Crazy Diamond, and now using the arpegiator of Chicago (Roland TB-303 clone) Gadget instrument and loving it to add variations over the Gilmour guitar arpegios.
I never used much arpegiator in my former Korg Gadget songs, and generally ! But now, because it is long and boring entering multiple notes in Gadget, I appreciate the arpegiator. Alas, the only instrument to feature one is TB-303ish Chicago. It is nice, but somewhat limited.
I wonder having more synths in Gadget with arpegiator, maybe the MonoPoly which is in KORG summer sales off !

2018/07/13 update: I purchased MonoPoly app and instrument for iOS, it sounds great, with great fx (a bit different from the other Gafget synths) ... but without any arpegiator, not even in the standalone app (whereas the Arp Oddissey app has one). Actually, one can use an arpegiator with all Gadget synths ... but only when recording, notes are arpegiated at that time. It's not possible to record a chord lasting 1 measure and generate an arpegio by playing it.
